
Various pieces of writing (and also reviews)


Q1: Why do you exist?
I exist out of pure spite.
Q2: What is your favourite thing ever?
My hyperfixations.
Q3: Why?
Because I have met a lot of awesome people through them.
Q4: What were you doing on 11th of September 2001?
Not existing.
Q5: Why do you keep making school shooting threats?
.....Meow. :3
Q6: How's your book going?
Slow, but good.
Q7: What are your personal values?
I choose to live my own way because I don't care for other people's opinions about me.
Q8: Would you burn down a building if prompted to by the voices?
Q9: Where are my children?

Angel of Death (Witch Cross) review

1. Tempus Mori Est - 6/10
2. Angel of Death - 7/10
3. Marauders - 8/10
4. Evil Eye - 7/10
5. The Chosen One - 8/10
6. Phoenix Fire - 6/10
7. Siren's Song - 6/10
8. Eye of the Storm - 5/10
9. Last Rites - 8/10
10. Warrior - 7/10
Overall rating - 6.8/10

9-11 two (the sequel)

Chapter 1: RIP Joe

Thom Yorke had prepared the dinosaur for attack. Everything was going according to plan. He evilly laughed to himself as he walked into the white house. Thom was greeted by a worker at the reception desk. "How can I help you today?" The worker said in an American accent. Thom smirked before answering. "Bring me to the president." Thom suddenly realized that this was making his intentions too obvious. "UH- what I meant was... May I please visit the president... pretty please?" The worker stared at him with a look that implied that they were deep in thought. "Er yeah I guess so. Since you asked so nicely." They replied to the man. "go up the stairs and his office is the third door on the right." Thom flashed them a charming British smile before running up the stairs. Eventually, he managed to find President Joe Biden's office.

"Hello, Biden." Thom muttered as he barged into the room "long time no see." Joe Biden was shocked by the sudden intrusion. "Oh... It's you." Joe suddenly realized that he was holding a large stack of money and tossed it behind him. "What do you want?" Thom smirked at this. "revenge." Joe looked absolutely flabbergasted. "W-what?" He stuttered. "You heard me!" Thom pulled a giant sword out of his backpack. "Prepare to die!" He yelled before running at Joe, sword in hand. Out of instinct, Biden held up his hand and yelled his catchphrase "Biden blast!" A blast of energy surged out of his palm, almost hitting Thom but Thom, having trained for this, dodged it. "Your Biden blasts won't save you now, Joe!" Thom yelled before slicing Joe through the middle. Joe screamed in agony "NO! Not the day of the twin towers re-opening!" Thom laughed maniacally. "Oh don't worry Joe, they'll be closed again for a long, long time." He then turned and walked out of the office, bloody sword in hand. "See you in hell, Biden." Then he was gone, leaving Joe to bleed out on the ground.

Chapter 2: Dinosaur time.

Phase one of the plan was complete. Perfect. Now it was time to complete phase two, destroying the twin towers. As the reader may know, the world trade center was originally destroyed on September 11 2001, but what you might not know, is that president Joe Biden decided to rebuild it (just for fun). Thom Yorke glanced at his watch as he strode down the stairs, still clutching the crimson stained sword. The receptionist that had let him in just stared in complete and utter awe, Immediately figuring out what Thom had just done. "Woah... did you just-" Thom cut the receptionist off "I certainly did." The man then turned to the exit, muttering the lyrics of creep (by Radiohead). Waiting outside for him was Scott, his giant Tyrannosaurus Rex, who was biting the windshields off of cars. "Scott! Stop that!" Thom yelled up at the giant lizard. "I have something else for you!" Scott looked intrigued "You see those towers? Go eat them!" Scott dashed towards the towers, crushing multiple buildings in the process. People were darting around everywhere, like an ants nest after it gets stomped.

Scott tore into the first tower, creating a huge bite mark in the side. Eventually, Thom pulled a folded up chair out of his bag and set it on the ground before sitting on it. He noticed the many citizens who were sprinting around. Being British, he waved at them, once again using his charming British smile. In return, he received multiple terrified looks back. After completely consuming the first tower, Scott got started on the second, chomping away. Thom laughed as he watched the chaos unfold in front of him, unaffected. He was basking in his achievement when out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a very bloody Biden. "You thought you could get rid of me?" Screamed Joe "Well er... sort of..?" Thom sheepishly replied, his words getting caught in his throat. "Think again, Yorke."

Chapter 3: Biden vs. Yorke - Rematch

Joe drunkenly swung at Thom, barely missing. This was remarkable because he was almost completely split through the middle. Thom, obviously confused by the man in front of him, flinched and ended up getting hit on the head by the half dead man. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Thom managed to stutter. "Key word being supposed-" Joe started "I did go to hell but because of my presidential status, I get an extra life!" Thom paused for a second and glanced towards the twin towers to see Scott just standing around next to where the now eaten twin towers, once were. Seeing this, Thom immediately burst into laughter. "It's too late Biden! I've already won!" To emphasize his point, Thom then stomped on the sluggish, half dead body of Joe Biden, causing the old man to scream in pain. "Goodbye Joe... once and for all!" Thom turned to the dinosaur "Hey Scott! Come eat this nitwit!" The large lizard sludged over to the pair before leaning down and swallowing Joe Biden whole.
Seconds after Joe was killed, Thom had a moment of realization. He was going to have to replace Joe and being the president was a lot of work, A lot of work he didn't want to do. Thom took a deep breath and began to devise a plan. Maybe if there wasn't a country, he wouldn't have to run it. The plan was the key to the metaphorical prison he had trapped himself in. Brushing himself off, Thom made his way back to the White House, ready to do what he had to do, for the (his) greater good.
